Greater than the Sum of its Parts

Collaborative research projects are of strategic importance to the Materials Chain’s agenda to foster a closer collaboration between materials science researchers from various fields of expertise in the Ruhr Area and beyond.

Listed below are all research projects in which research groups from different institutions that are part of the Materials Chain network collaborate or have collaborated before.

DFG Programmes
Collaborative Research Centres
SFB 1411: Design of Particulate Products Prof. Dr. Doris Segets
SFB 1625: Atomic-scale understanding and design of multifunctional surfaces Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig
TRR 103: From Atoms to Turbine Blades – Scientific Framework for a New Generation of Single-Crystal Superalloys Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler
SFB 247: Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis in the Liquid Phase – Mechanisms and Materials in Thermal, Electro-, and Photocatalysis Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz
SFB 1316: Transient Atmospheric Plasmas - From Plasmas to Liquids to Solids Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell
Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
TRR 196: Mobile Material Characterisation and Localisation by Electromagnetic Sensing (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kaiser
SFB 1242: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain (concluded)Prof. Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen
Prof. Dr. Jürgen König
SFB 270: HoMMage - Hysteresis design of magnetic materials for efficient energy conversion (concluded)Prof. Dr. Michael Farle
SFB 287: BULK-RE­AC­TION – Gas­durch­ström­te, be­weg­te Schüt­tun­gen mit che­mi­scher Re­ak­ti­on (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Scherer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ilona Rolfes
SFB 876: Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Data Analysis (concluded)Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik
SFB 1093: Supramolecular Chemistry on Proteins (concluded)Prof. Dr. Thomas Schrader
SFB 837: Interaction Modelling in Mechanised Tunnelling (concluded)Prof. Dr. Günther Meschke
TRR 80: From Electronic Correlations to Functionality (concluded)Prof. Dr. Rossitza Pentcheva
TRR 87: Pulsed High Power Plasmas for the Synthesis of Nanostructural Functional Layers (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Awakowicz
SFB 823: Statistical Modelling of Nonlinear Dynamic Processes (Coordination: TU Do) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Tillmann
Prof. Dr. Christine Müller
Prof. Dr. Holger Dette
TRR 188: Damage Controlled Forming Processes (Coordination: TU Do) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Erman Tekkaya
TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Erman Tekkaya
TRR 160: Coherent Manipulation of Interacting Spin Excitations in Tailored Semiconductors (Coordination: TU Do) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer
TRR 142: Tailored nonlinear photonics: From fundamental concepts to functional structures (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Markus Betz
TRR 129: Oxyflame - Development of methods and models to describe solid fuel reactions within an oxy-fuel atmosphere (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
TRR 63: Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems (InPROMPT) (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
SFB 986: Tailor-Made Multi-Scale Materials Systems (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörn Mosler
SFB 708: 3D Surface Engineering of Tools for the Sheet Metal Forming (Coordination: TU Do) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Tillmann
TRR 12: Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Ralf Schützhold
Prof. Dr. Holger Dette
TRR 30: Research for the Sustainable Products of Tomorrow (Participation) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Stefan Turek
TRR 10: Integration of Forming, Cutting, and Joining for the Flexible Production of Lightweight Frame Structures (Coordination: TU Do) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Erman Tekkaya
SFB 616: Energy Dissipation at Surfaces (concluded)Prof. Dr. Michael Horn-Von Hoegen
SFB 459: Shape Memory Technology (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler
Core Facility
Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale (ICAN) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Nils Hartmann
Flexible Funketiketten und Systeme (FlexID) (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kaiser
Prof. Dr. Daniel Erni
Dr.-Ing. Niels Benson
Priority Programmes
SPP 2403: Carnot Batteries: Inverse Design from Markets to Molecules Prof. Dr. Burak Atakan
SPP 2122: Materials for Additive Manufacturing (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Barcikowski
SPP 1980: Sprayflame Synthesis (concluded)Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz
SPP 1886 - Polymorphic Uncertainly Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Balzani
SPP 2196: Perowskit-Halbleiter: Von fundamentalen Eigenschaften zur Anwendung (concluded)Dr.-Ing. Niels Benson
Prof. Dr. Doru Lupascu
SPP 1796: High Frequency Flexible Bendable Electronics for Wireless Communication Systems (FFLexCom) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Anjana Devi
Dr.-Ing. Claudia Bock
SPP 1748: Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretization Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schröder
SPP 1713: Chemomechanics: Strong coupling of thermo-chemical and thermo-mechanical states in applied materials (concluded)Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach
SPP 1648: SPPEXA - Software for Exascale Computing - Project EXASTEEL: Bridging Scales for Multiphase Steels (concluded)Prof. Dr. Axel Klawonn
SPP 1613: Fuels Produced Regeneratively Through Light-Driven Water Splitting: Clarification of the Elemental Processes Involved and Prospects for Implementation in Technological Concepts (concluded)Prof. Dr. Axel Klawonn
SPP 1599: Caloric Effects in Ferroic Materials: New Concepts for Cooling (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler
SPP 1386: Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials: Theory, Model Systems and Controlled Synthesis (concluded)Dr. Hartmut Wiggers
SPP 1480: Modelling, Simulation and Compensation of Thermal Effects for Complex Machining Processes (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Biermann
SPP 1327: Optically Generated sub-100-nm Structures for Biomedical and Technical Applications (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf
Research Training Group
RTG 2131: High-dimensional Phenomena in Probability - Fluctuations and Discontinuity (concluded)Prof. Dr. Jeannette Woerner
Prof. Dr. Martin Hutzenthaler
Prof. Dr. Holger Dette
Research Units
FOR 1993: Multi-Functional Conversion of Chemical Species and Energy (concluded)Prof. Dr. Burak Atakan
FOR 2982: UNODE - Unusual Anode Reactions (concluded)Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuhmann
FOR 2284: Model-Based Scalable Gas-Phase Synthesis of Complex Nanoparticles (concluded)Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz
FOR 1735: Structural Inference in Statistics: Adaptation and Efficiency (concluded)Prof. Dr. Holger Dette
FOR 1766: High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler
FOR 1509: Ferroic Functional Materials (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schröder
FOR 1123: Physics of Microplasmas (concluded)Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell
FOR 797: Analysis and computation of microstructure in finite plasticity (concluded)Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackl
EU Integrated Research Projects
FP7: NanOxiMet - Assessment of the Use of Particle Reactivity Metrics as an Indicator for Pathogenic Properties and Predictor of Potential Toxicological Hazard (concluded)Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch
FP7: BUONAPART-E - Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Einar Kruis
FP7: MARINA: Managing Risks of Nanomaterials (concluded)Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch
FP7: REFREEPERMAG: Rare-Earth Free Permanent Magnets (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig
ERC Synergy Grant: Directed Evolution of Catalysts Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig
ERC Consolidator Grant 2024: Understanding the Processes at the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface in Batteries Prof. Dr. Tong Li
ERC Starting Grant: Insights into a unique form of superconductivity Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer
ERC Starting Grant: MITICAT - Microfluidic Tuning of Individual Nanoparticles to Understand and Improve Electrocatalysis Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik
ERC Starting Grant: MECHANOCAT – Using milling balls as catalysts – Understanding the novel concept of direct mechanocatalysis Prof. Dr. Lars Borchardt
ERC: hyControl – Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units (concluded)Prof. Dr. Mirko Cinchetti
All-scale predictive design of heat management materials and structures (concluded)Dr. Georg Madsen
BIOGO-for-Production (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
Marie Curie Action: NU-MATHIMO - New Materials for High Moment Poles and Shields (concluded)Prof. Dr. Heiko Wende
Marie Curie Initial Training Network: Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng (RAPID) (concluded)Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell
Ziel2: NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum: Funktionale Nanopartikel-Kompositmaterialien für energietechnische Anwendungen (concluded)Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz
Ziel2: ICAMS Start-up Funding (concluded)Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmaier
Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach
Prof. Dr. Ralf Drautz
Federal and State Funding
PUMA - PUlsed high MAgnetic fields for new functional magnetic materials Prof. Dr. Heiko Wende
NanoMatFutur: MatGasDif – NanoMATerials as the basis for GASDIFfusion electrodes for highly selective CO2 reduction Prof. Dr. Corina Andronescu
6GEM – 6G research hub for open, efficient and secure mobile communications systems Prof. Dr. Nils Weimann
Lead Project H2Giga (concluded)Prof. Dr. Corina Andronescu
Prof. Dr. Doris Segets
Dr. Nicolas Wöhrl
ForMikro FlexTMDSense - Research into novel, flexible sensor systems based on two-dimensional material systems (concluded)Dr.-Ing. Claudia Bock
ForLab: SmartBeam (concluded)Prof. Dr. Nils Weimann
ForLab PICT2DES (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Hoffmann
Clusterprojekt "MANGAN" (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuhmann
CMOT - Investigation and tuning of graphene electrodes for solution-processable metal oxide thin-film transistors in the area of low-cost electronics (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Kunze
nanoGRAVUR - Grouping of Nanostructured Materials for Protection of Workers, Consumers, the Environment and Risk Minimisation (concluded)Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch
Nachwuchsgruppe INNOKAT – Integration und Applikation von ligandenfreien und kontrolliert ligandenfunktionalisierten Nanopartikeln in der Katalyse (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Barcikowski
RecyTiC - Ressourcenschonende Werkstoffkonzepte für TiC-haltige Verschleißkomponenten (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Theisen
VIP: NaKoLiA - Nanokomposite für Lithium-Ionen-Anoden (concluded)Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel
Dr. Hartmut Wiggers
Nanoskalige III-V/Silizium-Heterostrukturen für hocheffiziente Solarzellen (concluded)Prof. Dr. Franz-J. Tegude
NanoGEM: Nanostructured Materials – Health, Exposure and Material Characteristics (concluded)Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch
CarboLifeCycle: Materialeigenschaften, Freisetzung und Verhalten in der Umwelt von CNT-Materialien (concluded)Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch
Research Building
Center for Interface-Dominated High Performance Materials (ZGH) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig
NanoEnergyTechnologyCenter (NETZ) Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz
Foundation Funding
International Max Planck Research School
International Max Planck Research School for Interface Controlled Materials for Energy Conversion (IMPRS SURMAT) Prof. Dr. Jörg Neugebauer
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dehm
International Max Planck Research School on Reactive Structure Analysis for Chemical Reactions (IMPRS RECHARGE) Prof. Dr. Jörg Neugebauer
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dehm
Mercator Research Center Ruhr
UED@DELTA: Konzeption einer Femtosekunden-MeV-Elektronenquelle bei DELTA für zeitaufgelöste Beugungsexperimente (concluded)Prof. Dr. Shaukat Khan
Analyse des Produktentstehungsprozesses bei der Kombination additiver und subtraktiver Fertigungsverfahren für die Herstellung von Multimaterialprodukten (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Künne
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Witt
Synthese von maschinellem Lernen und numerischer Simulation zur Echtzeitsteuerung von Tunnelvortriebsprozessen (concluded)Prof. Dr. Günther Meschke
Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik
SESOX - Synthesegestützte Einstellung der Sauerstoffdefektdichte für halbleiter- und spinellbasierte selektive Oxidationskatalysatoren (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Barcikowski
Mikromechanische Modellierung der Materialumformung zur Vorhersage der anisotropen Verfestigung (concluded)Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmaier
Phase-field and variational update formulations for modeling of material instabilities in metal elasto-plasticity (concluded)apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Bluhm
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schröder
Photoelektronenspektroskopie mit Femtosekunden-Zeitauflösung an Festkörperoberflächen: Pionierexperimente an der Kurzpulsquelle bei DELTA (concluded)Prof. Dr. Shaukat Khan
Photonischer kohärenter 250-GHz-Sensor (concluded)Prof. Dr. Andreas Stöhr
Entwicklung methodischer und theoretischer Grundlagen für den Transfer des lastadaptiven Leichtbauprinzips der Natur in technische Anwendungen (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Ricken
Strukturförderung Personenförderung Anschubförderung Entwicklung methodischer und theoretischer Grundlagen für den Transfer des lastadaptiven Leichtbauprinzips der Natur in technische Anwendungen (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Ricken
Strukturbildung in gescherten Suspensionen (concluded)Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wolf
Photoaktive Oxidmaterialien für den sichtbaren Spektralbereich (concluded)Dr. Jennifer Strunk
Optimale Steuerung mechanischer Schädigungsprozesse (concluded)Prof. Dr. Arnd Rösch
Modeling and Experimental Investigation of the Multiferroic Cooling Properties of (Ferromagnetic) Shape Memory Alloys (concluded)Jun.-Prof. Dr. Björn Kiefer
Spin-kontrollierte Laserdioden (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Hofmann
Erzeugung und Untersuchung oberflächennaher Spin-Zentren in hochreinem Diamant (concluded)Dr. Nicolas Wöhrl
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien für neuartige Kathoden von wiederaufladbaren Li-Ionen-Batterien (NanoSiLiKat) (concluded)Dr. Hartmut Wiggers
VINDDKanal. Virtueller Interaktiver Numerischer Dortmund-Duisburg Windkanal (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing Andreas Kempf
Aerosolgestützte Nanopartikelsynthese von dotierten Galliumoxid-basierten Photokatalysatoren für die Wasserspaltung im Dreiphasenreaktor (concluded)Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler
Ort-Zeit-Finite-Elemente-Methoden für thermomechanisch gekoppelte Kontaktprobleme (concluded)Dr. Andreas Rademacher
Bionische Werkzeugkonzepte für die schädigungsfreie Bearbeitung von modernen faserverstärkten Hochleistungspolymeren (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Fischer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Biermann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Theisen
Data Driven Materials Development (DDMD) - Datengetriebene Entwicklung neuer Materialien (concluded)Prof. Dr. Ralf Drautz
SMILE – Smart Materials from Ionic Liquids for Energy (concluded)Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz
Spektroskopie an einzelnen Nanokristallen (concluded)Dr. Alex Greilich
Elementary excitations and their non-equilibrium dynamics in novel materials: From Mott insulators to unconventional superconductors (concluded)Prof. Dr. Ilya Eremin
Prof. Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen
Effiziente Simulationstechniken für robuste Least-Squares FEM in der Fluiddynamik (concluded)Prof. Dr. Stefan Turek
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schröder
Modellierung und numerische Simulation nichtlokaler anisotroper Schädigungseffekte bei großen inelastischen Verformungen (concluded)Jun.-Prof. Dr. Björn Kiefer
Erhöhung von Leistungsdichte und Lebensdauer hochbelasteter Funktionsflächen durch spanende Oberflächenkonditionierung (concluded)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Fischer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Biermann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Theisen
Aufschlüsselung der Niveaustruktur von Elektronen-, Löcher- und Exzitonen-Systemen in selbstorganisierten InAs Quantenpunkten (concluded)Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieck
Prof. Dr. Axel Lorke
Spin-Dynamics in single mesoscopic bifunctional structures (concluded)Prof. Dr. Daniel Hägele
Prof. Dr. Michael Farle
Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur effizienten Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Katalysatorschichten auf einem Silizium-Substrat (concluded)Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel
Silberdotierte Calciumphosphat-Nanopartikel als antibakterielle Wirkstoffe: Synthese, Charakterisierung und biologische Wirkung (concluded)Prof. Dr. Matthias Epple
Prof. Dr. Manfred Köller
Stabilität von Produktionsprozessen am Beispiel metallischer Halbzeuge (concluded)Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach
Mikromechanische Modellierung und Simulation der funktionalen Ermüdung von ein- und polykristallinen Formgedächtnislegierungen (concluded)Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Bartel