NanoMatFutur: MatGasDif – NanoMATerials as the basis for GASDIFfusion electrodes for highly selective CO2 reduction

Type of Funding: Federal and State Funding, BMBF

The "MatGasDif" project is developing solutions for the use of carbon dioxide. The focus here is on the targeted production of individual chemicals and the long-term stability of the catalysts. To this end, the junior research group will develop new catalyst materials for electrochemical cells. All catalyst materials should consist of elements that are sufficiently available in the earth's crust and are therefore light. Until now, expensive and rare precious metals have often been used as catalysts. The overall aim of the project is to develop innovative solutions to the global carbon dioxide problem. The scalability of the results is to be shown through the production of a demonstrator.

Project Website

Contact Person at UA Ruhr:
Prof. Dr. Corina Andronescu, University of Duisburg-Essen

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