6th Materials Chain International Conference – MCIC 2024

Inorganic Functional Materials: Developments and Applications for Advanced Technologies

MCIC 2024 will take place at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany on September 12, 2024.

About MCIC 2024

Due to their intrinsic properties, inorganic functional materials have shown the potential to improve advanced technologies in various fields. Even more in the context of a sustainable future, these materials play a key role in developing applications for green technologies, like efficient energy conversion and storage.

The 6th Materials Chain International Conference: Inorganic Functional Materials: Developments and applications for advanced technologies brings together researchers, scientists and industry professionals to explore the latest advancements and applications of inorganic functional materials. The event will feature 12 invited talks and a poster session, providing a platform to discuss cutting-edge research, share insights and foster collaborations.

Registration and abstract submission for poster contributions is open until August 18. The conference is free of charge.

Conference Programme

Registration for MCIC 2024
For further information, please contact mc@uaruhr.de.
Personal details
First name *
Last name *
Institution/ University *
City *
Country *
Email *
Confirm Email *
I would like to *
give a poster presentation
participate without a poster presentation
Title of contribution *
Abstract (max. 2.500 characters) *


if you want to add more authors, please click
Please solve to register

* Please note: This is a required field.


  • Catalysts for energy conversion
  • Functionalization, processes and device integration
  • High-throughput exploration
  • Phase-transitions
Conference Venue

MCIC 2024 will take place at Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s Convention Centre. It provides an attractive view over the green Ruhr Valley due to its location on the southern edge of the campus. The light-filled rooms are situated on one level and provide ideal meeting conditions for up to 800 people. MCIC 2024 will be held in room 2a. The poster session will be held in room 1.


Materials Chain Coordination Office
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Denisa Voicu
Universitätsstr. 150 | 44801 Bochum | Germany
Building/room ZGH 00/119
Phone: +49-(0)234-32-19706
Email: mc@uaruhr.de