10th RUHR-Symposium Artificial Intelligence for Functional Materials

10th. Oct. 2024, Symposium, Fraunhofer inHaus-Zentrum, Campus Duisburg, Forsthausweg 1, 47057 Duisburg

Start: 10th. Oct. 2024. 09:00 a.m.
End: 10th. Oct. 2024. 05:00 p.m.

With the RUHR-Symposium we want to deepen the cooperation between industry and research and create an exchange forum for ideas and innovations in the field of functional materials. Talks are given by experts from academia (UDE, TU Darmstadt, Humboldt University Berlin, Research Center Jülich) and industry (Evonik, KROHNE Messtechnik, and more) in four different sessions: I. Data Storage, Acquisition and Storage, II. Materials Informatics, III. Materials Processes: From Automation to Autonomous and IV. Lifetime Prediction/Digital Twin. The sessions are framed by two excellent keynote talks from Prof. Frederik Ahlemann (University Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Informatics) and Dr. Henrik Hahn (Chief Digital Officer, Evonik). Besides the talks enough time for discussion and exchange is reserved.

This year we will also have a poster session from industry and academia, with short poster presentations by early career researchers. If you are interested in presenting your poster, please send an e-mail to Tobias Teckentrup (cenide@uni-due.de) with the title of your poster and some keywords about your project. Please also indicate if you want to give a short talk.

The full program is available online.

Please register until September 23, 2024 via the given link. The participation of academic researchers (university or research institute) is free of charge. Please be aware, that we will conduct a cancellation fee of 150 € in case of a no-show. If you cannot make it to the event, you can transfer for registration to a colleague without any fees. Participation fee for industry representatives is 250 €.

Event Website

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