Experimental und numerical investigation of the compound properties of multi-phase metallic materials containing coarse hard phases
Fabian Pöhl, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, GermanyWerner Theisen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
The mechanical properties of materials are of central importance for many technical applications. To meet the challenges of rising demands on mechanical properties, modern materials are often complex multi-phase materials. The understanding of the deformation behaviour and the prediction of the compound properties are crucial for the development of new materials with superior mechanical properties. Numerical methods such as the Finite-Element-Method (FEM) increasingly gain importance in this field.
This study experimentally and numerically (FEM) investigates the deformation behaviour of wear-resistant metallic materials (steels) with coarse hard phases. On the basis of mechanical characterization by means of nanoindentation experiments, the compound properties of different multi-phase materials with coarse hard phases are numerically investigated. Compound properties such as macro-hardness, Young’s modulus, flow stress and hardening behaviour are calculated as a function of the volume content of embedded hard phases and the matrix as well as hard phase properties. The results give insights into the deformation behaviour of such multi-phase materials and show approaches for the development of new materials with adapted mechanical properties.