Studying the micromechanics of martensitic phase transformations using high energy diffraction microscopy

Aaron Stebner, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

Modern theories of the micromechanics of martensitic phase transformations are nearly 80 years mature. Experiments to verify these theories at the micro-scale, however, are a relatively new success, as definitive ex-situ observations of these mechanisms are difficult. New in-situ High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy (HEDM) techniques are being developed to address this gap. Nickel-Titanium shape memory alloys and 301L Stainless Steel have been used as model materials in the first experiments. In this presentation, we will review the new experimental developments that include in-situ, non-destructive 3D reconstructions of thousands of grains in polycrystals undergoing phase transformations, as well as new micromechanical insights elucidated from these experiments.

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