Three questions for Prof. Dr Christof Schulz

HY Summit im Ruhrgebiet

© UDE/Frank Preuß

The HY Summit brings together the "who's who" from science, politics and business in the hydrogen sector. A very central question at the Hydrogen Summit: How can the hydrogen ramp-up succeed? Materials Chain member Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz explains which technologies science is developing for industrial scale and how this will make hydrogen production independent of expensive precious metals.

The Ruhr region is considered a hydrogen stronghold. What makes the region so interesting and which scientific institutions and cooperations enable excellent hydrogen research?

The Ruhr region understands, can and needs hydrogen. The understanding is continuously developed by a research landscape with a density of universities, Max Planck Institutes and technology-related research institutions that is unique in Europe. The ability results from the interdisciplinary cooperation of the research partners, who quickly implement fundamental findings technologically, often in cooperation with the numerous industrial partners in the region. And this is true both on the side of the production and use of hydrogen and on the side of the development and production of the next generations of the facilities and technologies required for this. The need is obvious for a metropolitan region with energy-intensive industry and 5 million residents, many of whom worry that "business as usual" cannot work.

For the whole interview follow the link below.