CENIDE Science Talk

Advantages of crosslinkable organic semiconductors

© Irina Anusca, AG Lupascu, Universität Duisburg-Essen

CENIDE welcomes the guest speaker Prof. Dr. Klaus Meerholz from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Science Talk on Friday, April 27, 11.15 a.m. at the University of Cologne. Afterwards Prof. Dr. Doru C. Lupascu from the Institute of Materials Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) will speak. While Prof. Meerholz will focus on crosslinkable organic semiconductors in his lecture, Prof. Lupascu will focus on dielectric effects in perovskites.

The CENIDE Science Talk covers the wide range of topics of CENIDE. It is aimed at a broad audience of experts and allows them to look beyond their own fields of research.

After the lectures we invite you to a snack and an exchange.
Please register at cenide@uni-due.de

The CENIDE Science Talk will take place at the Centre for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT) on the Duisburg Campus: University of Duisburg-Essen, Centre for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT), Room 202/204, Carl-Benz-Str. 201, 47057 Duisburg,
Directions: http://www.zbt-duisburg.de/meta-menu/anfahrt/.

Further information:

Dr. Tobias Teckentrup, 0203/ 379-8178, tobias.teckentrup@uni-due.de

Editor: Julia Lena Reinermann, 0203/ 379-8176, julia.reinermann@uni-due.de